Here are a few examples of types of writing that were successful and increased the learning of the content using both reading and writing skills in my classroom. Writing to Learn: *Students can use note taking-we created our own graphic organizers and made lists of new content that is learned. By using science notebooks we had a place to write, take notes or create diagrams about science content daily. *Students can use close nonfiction reading strategies to make notes or annotate as they read. Make sure to check out Beers and Probst in the resources section for this amazing resource. *Students can create a diagram in science notebooks to share information learned *Students can write a summary as students read. Use the GIST method with non-fiction and content area reading. Try it now.
A student uses claims and evidence to show that she has demonstrated learning of the content.
Writing to Demonstrate Learning: *Studnets can use Extended Response Questions are a way in which students can demonstrate their learning through written response. *Students can use Short Answer/Exit Slip Written Response are a way to quickly gauge a student's mastery of content using a quicker written response. *Studnets can utilize RAFTRAFTwriting . My students love to do RAFT writing! They get to incorporate their imagination and take the persona of an object, idea or person and write using that point of view. This is also an excellent way to incorporate choice and differentiate student learning through writing. Check out these suggestions. Here!
Writing to Publish *Students can write all forms of writing in content area classes. Collaborating with your Language Arts teacher is a focused and instrumental way to get started! *Students can check out these prompts for writing narrative prompts in content area classes. Here. *Students can write expository prompts here. *Students can write poetry or music to publish. Check out some ideas here.
Writing to Reflect: * Students can scaffold and use Weekly Reflection SheetsWeekly Reflection Sheets to reflect on the mastery of content. These pages were created to allow students to reflect on their mastery of science content in my classroom each week based on the standards that were assessed. *Students can use reflective Prompts can be incorporated and included in science notebooks. Check out some examples here.